Thursday, August 27, 2009

For Those Who Are Creative (Or Not)

"Is it logical or normal that we should be afraid of the work we were created to do?"

My friend Brandee directed me to this video of Elizabeth Gilbert's talk at a recent TED conference.


About 19 minutes, but it will fly by. I promise. I turned on the English subtitles; it helps me focus. Try it.

It's a big statement, but I believe this is mandatory for any creative person, particularly those striving to be creative in a ministry or non-profit setting. It is a vision of inspiration worth as much as any registration fee you've paid for the latest and greatest high impact conference. Gilbert acknowledges just how excruciatingly difficult it can be to keep creative juices flowing - and offers up for consideration a remarkable and different (for me, anyway) perspective on the process.

I hope you'll watch it, especially you - Kim and Jan and Terrace and Cynthia and Brian and Angie and Connie and Katie and Jenn and Sarah and Annie and Lisa and Scott and Eric and Mary Elizabeth and Nancy....


Jan Owen said...

well I cried, if that tells you anything. Amazing!


Jan Owen said...

well I cried, if that tells you anything. Amazing!

I am not even totally sure why.

Connie Kottmann said...

Thanks for posting.


I've experienced it. I've seen it.

It did get me to pull out the two little sketchpads I've been carrying around for a month and start scanning in my work again.

Hope said...

I was in tears by the end of this. Thank you so much for posting it. I linked to it on my blog as well.