Thursday, November 15, 2007

Vomit, Every Day

No kidding.

It started with David, last Saturday. Six hours of throwing up, plus a bonus round when he tried to get up on Sunday. He slept all day Monday and headed back to school on Tuesday...

...while big sister Shannon started throwing up Monday, 1:30 a.m. She carried on through most of the night and slept all day Tuesday...

...while the mom (that's me!) started on Tuesday night, at about 3:00 a.m....I slept all day Wednesday, though I ventured out to band rehearsal last night because life just couldn't go on without me there...

...while Daniel woke up at 4:00 this morning with an achy stomach. He didn't meet the toilet bowl until about 6:30 a.m. Now he's home to sleep all day.

Four down, two to go. I guess I prefer one at a time, rather than simultaneous sickness. I try to tend to each one and hold their hair back while they throw up. Just seems like something a mother ought to do.

So, I have spent this entire week at home. Reminds me of the days I was actually a stay-at-home-mom. Aside from the sickness, it's not all that bad. I thought about trying to find an appropriate photo to illustrate this post, but...right. Not a good idea.

On a cheerier note, yesterday I found out that one of my co-workers - the kids' youth minister and her associate pastor husband - are expecting their first baby. It's wonderfully exciting for all of us. I also got a call from one of my best friends, telling me that the guy that she met through our church small group had proposed to her yesterday, after a three-month courtship. They are happy with each other and I think it's a really good match. It's quick, but they're mature adults, both with teenaged boys at home, and - as Shannon said - "old people get married quick". I'm thrilled about this, because I secretly picked them for one another when we first started our bible study together. I'm glad it worked out the way I thought!

Back to disinfecting the house....


Bill said...

OH yeah....a gathering around the ol throne! You poor dear! Glad you left the pictures stomach gets queezy just typing the word! The couple gtting engaged is another sign you should be ordained!

Unknown said...

I remember weeks like that with three children; so much harder with five!

annie said...

Five times the blessings, so I guess it is also fives times the misery when misery comes knocking! I hope it all blows through quickly.

africakidandtheworld said...

Oh no! My David off at college got a similar bug--it hit him at work (in a nature preserve), so he stopped at a friend's house on the way home and threw up in their that's friendship.

Hope you're all quickly back to normal.

Jayne said...

Ugh... hope everyone is feeling some better today.

Mary said...

Aaack! Falling down like dominos, huh? It's got to be over soon.