Wednesday, June 22, 2011

After Midnight We Gonna Let It All Sweat Out

It's after midnight - oops, make that closer to 1AM and I'm still up. So much going on - and I'm working until exhaustion and then starting all over again.

But I feel good. I miss my kids, the majority of whom are out of town (except for one who is diligently working). Life is so quiet without them. But (and don't tell them), I sure am being productive.

I am giving the message this weekend. I am really excited about it - it's very creative, in a way that suits me perfectly. Our teaching team has worked hard to coach and encourage one another and I got some great constructive criticism from them this week. I'm excited about kicking off our new series; it feels like a team effort!

By the way: I hesitated to write that last paragraph, because there's always this fear that if people know in advance that Brian's not on the platform, they won't come. Please tell me you'll come anyway, even though I spilled the beans!

I'm doing the message, and as we brainstormed about the closing song, some creativity lit up in my brain and I wrote something, which I'll take to Lindsay tomorrow morning and we'll work together to finish it out. I'm excited about THAT, too. Creative people LOVE creativity!

The music store is about nine days away from opening. Schedules are changing, there's lots of final touches and organization. We're doing a summer lesson program at Kidzalat Child Care Center and that's keeping me hopping.

And it's hot, and I'm sweating. I'm not sure how that is important enough to get into this blog post, but it's 1AM, I'm sitting in the dining room and sweat is literally dripping down my back. Maybe if I sit here long enough, I'll lose ten pounds.


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to her you will be on the platform. I'm coming!!! Why are you sweating is your a/c broken?

See you Sunday

jf said...

Anybody who doesn't show will be missing out. For me, it's a real treat to receive the message from one of our Associate Ministers. Your sermons are excellent and always very thought provoking Beth. I look forward to hearing from God through you Sunday morning.

PS) Turn your air conditioner on.