Sunday, March 31, 2013

There Were No Easter Baskets

Time just keeps moving us forward. There's no greater reminder of this for me, lately, than holidays. What once was a foregone conclusion; holiday, big dinner, everybody home - has morphed into something that requires a lot of mobility and flexibility.

Such was Easter this year. The boys are gone, off on a mission trip with their dad in New York City. Sarah is in Savannah. Shannon and Sydni came home for the weekend. Tony and I are still here, and everything swirls around us. 

No complaints. Just the way it is. And I'm okay with that.

Easter was an amazing celebration at our church. I read this post today and realized that I have moved past the emotions he describes into something that is grounded in joy and optimism, more so than in recent years. It is tangible and it is good, and today was an explosion of grace and goodness that I still find
Connie Kottman's art
inexplicable; but I accept it for what it is and give thanks for a community of faith that gives us room to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

And a good bit of singing and shouting.

There were no Easter baskets for our family this year, which felt a bit odd. But church and a full table and good conversation made up for the absence of candy, fake grass and chocolate bunnies.

It's been a busy few weeks around here, but I've been taking notes. Here's some links I highly recommend, from writers all connected with PCC in some way:

You can watch today's service here


SAM said...

This is my third Easter without baskets. I find that this year has had no sense of anything missing, and a wonderful since of keeping Easter focused on the gift of salvation and the amazing wonder and power of the resurrection that raises us from death to life. (Although I will admit I picked up a few candies when I filled up with gas.)

Thanks for your blog Beth. I don't often comment but I "follow" as another daughter of the King (a fellow pilgrim so to speak) making her way in the wild and wonderful journey on this planet.

Thanks for just being you and for blogging about it.

jPaulM said...

Amanda and I were having a similar conversation about family and holidays just last night. We thought everything changed when we got married, but now that Caleb is in the picture, everything has changed once more. It seems it has become more and more difficult to "schedule" everyone in (especially when you have a family divided, like mine).

Oh, and this was the first year I didn't get an Easter basket. I guess the Easter Bunny thinks 24 (almost 25) is old enough.

It sounds like your experience, though different, was an enjoyable one. I know you have to be so grateful and proud of your family. I love your family like my own!

Btw - thanks for the advertisement. ;-)