Here are the remainder of the notes I took during the point leaders' session with Nancy Beach on Wednesday at the Willow Arts Conference:
Service Planning and Execution
The Willow service planning format is broken into the following categories:
DESIGN (4-8 weeks out)
DEVELOPMENT (follow-up - email, hallway conversations, rehearsals, phone calls)
GAME DAY (the actual service)
The process on Game Day is immensely important. This is often the first combination of tech and programming – so be very mindful of the technical artists' needs. If the Game Day process doesn’t work, change it- particularly for tech. DO NOT FRUSTRATE YOUR TECHNICAL ARTISTS! THEY WANT TO DO A GOOD JOB. THEY NEED TIME.
Game Day should be:
• Sane
• Joyful
• Prayerful
• Relaxed
• A pleasure for volunteers
(At one point at Willow, volunteers asked to come earlier so that they could enjoy the process more!)
Evaluation and production team issues –
• Get better at reading the room in the moment for evaluation. Ask production team members to bring back opinions and impressions from guests – perhaps with a specific question?
• Arts Ministry leader should be strongly connected to the teaching pastor. Weaving teaching with the arts enables everyone to win. “Be a student of your pastor. Do not let the evil one win. That relationship must be functional and healthy.”
Building Community
Build in community to natural times that volunteers are together; possibly in between services, rehearsals, etc. Connect them, with intentionality.
Service Planning and Execution
The Willow service planning format is broken into the following categories:
DESIGN (4-8 weeks out)
DEVELOPMENT (follow-up - email, hallway conversations, rehearsals, phone calls)
GAME DAY (the actual service)
The process on Game Day is immensely important. This is often the first combination of tech and programming – so be very mindful of the technical artists' needs. If the Game Day process doesn’t work, change it- particularly for tech. DO NOT FRUSTRATE YOUR TECHNICAL ARTISTS! THEY WANT TO DO A GOOD JOB. THEY NEED TIME.
Game Day should be:
• Sane
• Joyful
• Prayerful
• Relaxed
• A pleasure for volunteers
(At one point at Willow, volunteers asked to come earlier so that they could enjoy the process more!)
Evaluation and production team issues –
• Get better at reading the room in the moment for evaluation. Ask production team members to bring back opinions and impressions from guests – perhaps with a specific question?
• Arts Ministry leader should be strongly connected to the teaching pastor. Weaving teaching with the arts enables everyone to win. “Be a student of your pastor. Do not let the evil one win. That relationship must be functional and healthy.”
Building Community
Build in community to natural times that volunteers are together; possibly in between services, rehearsals, etc. Connect them, with intentionality.
Some good intentional questions include:
• “What was the high point and/or low point of your week?”
• “What’s the most important thing we can pray about for you?”
Short term conversations (managed carefully so one person doesn't hijack the time) can be extremely effective.
Long term community building – two-day retreats (borrow a house/cottage/meeting place for point leaders, team members). Give awards, learn, study, etc. Nancy Beach led a Willow team to create ‘funerals’ for one another, choosing songs, a eulogy and designing a mansion to honor one another while still alive (‘all the nice things people say about one another at their funeral – say it NOW for team building).
Again, thank you for posting your notes! I love concrete ideas and insights like this.
i've always enjoyed listening to nancy beach speak. it is a good thing to be reminded of that which we sometimes overlook.
Checking in from Paris. Do me a favor. Send the link to your other blog to my billweaver10@gmail.com account so I can catch up. I can't get onto my alltel account. I'll catch you up when we get home.
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