We're working hard today; Syd's having a party tomorrow to celebrate her 16th birthday (better late than never) so she and the boys are cleaning like crazy, and I'm trying to catch up from being away for a week. Apparently I have the magic touch with the washing machine, as it's been anxiously awaiting my return. So it could - you know - wash the clothes. Because they've been piling up on the floor in front of the machine for, apparently, about a week.
I'm on the fourth load so far.
I am NOT complaining - a lot of good stuff goes on around here. With three college students (one of whom is about to move out for the first time in a few days), seven people total, tons of friends and family and jobs and all that - we manage to keep it together fairly well. And as Syd said this morning, "Hey - we
know how to clean a house." Every once in a while, it's good to have a day to catch up.
Today is that day. We needed it.

Just thought I'd share a few random shots of the things that go on around here, as I take a short break:
If you consider that the "day" officially starts, as some cultures believe, at the setting of the sun, then I started my day with music. It's great that Tony had time to relax and kick back and just play for a while. I love to hear him "noodling" and he had about two hours of it last night. Sometimes I'm a bit overwhelmed by how much really good music lives in this house...

Cleaning out closets and listening to podcasts of
This American Life, I hung out in my room today. While I was working on the dresser, I kept seeing this great photo of my friends Bob and Jeanne from our wedding
(look, Bob - you guys are in our bedroom day and night! What a treat!) Bob's in the fight of his life with a nasty opponent; today was a very good day for him, and Tony got an early morning call to come over for a visit today. I pray for this guy and his wife daily, and try to process the vulnerability of letting friendship grow to such depths. They hurt: we hurt. It is sometimes a difficult way to live, but I'm coming to see that it's worth the risk. I've lived behind the ramparts of false security for far too long.
It occurs to me that a mid-August Saturday crammed full of chores and cleaning is not such a bad thing. I've a lot for which to be thankful.
So I am.
You can pray for Bob and Jeanne. Please do.
Oi. That made me miss you. There was something about the "hum" of your household that was always so comfortable and comforting. It was always just abuzz with grace.
I will remember your friends in my prayers.
I will if you pray for Joe. I'm desperate...I don't know what to do.
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