Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesdays Are Long Days

Wednesdays are long days for me.  It usually begins with my personal challenges - getting five kids out the door for school, which is no easy feat.  Especially today, when one car is in the shop and two of the girls have to be at the high school early (which means ALL of the girls have to be there early, which - in itself - is on par with hell freezing over, if you know what I mean.  Three teenaged girls do NOT get ready for school quickly.)  We also made a run to my mom's house before 8:00 AM to pick up a golf ball and tee for a school project, along with a homecoming dress.  David and I left there to get gas, coffee for me and a donut for him - then on to the county recycling center to sort through the stuff loaded in the back of the Suburban.  After depositing David at school, I parked for 30 minutes at the County Seat for Bible study and some eggs.

Staff meeting was next on the list.  Depending on the agenda, these meetings last anywhere from two to six hours.  Today, it was five hours.  Very productive and even enjoyable - but long.  Once school is out, I begin the juggling and shuttling of kids to bible study, play practice, etc.  Today I drove up and down the road for over three hours.  Straight.  I fell asleep in the parking lot waiting for Shannon to finish taking picture of the cross country runners for journalism...

Rehearsal for Sunday's music is always on Wednesday night, and - depending on programming - that lasts anywhere from two to four hours.

Heading home, it's usually time for a run to the grocery store; inevitably we're out of milk on Wednesday night.  Tonight, I picked up milk and strawberries - per David's request.

It makes for a long day.

And it's tiring.

But it's also the best day of the week.   It ends in prayer and worship as we prep music for Sunday.  It's completely humbling, as I have to lean on others for help and assitance in getting kids home, in realizing how impossible it is for me to be all things to all people.  Rehearsal reminds me that we are just a bunch of folks who love to play music, getting together trying to create something of worth that will bless His heart.  I come home completely exhausted - and yet completely filled.

Tonight all of the musicians and sound guys walked down the muddy hill from our office trailer to check out the state of our eventual first home for PCC.   Pipes are sticking up out of the ground; footers are poured, and the back wall is partially up.  We crawled over the pilies of gravel (concrete being poured very soon!) and stood on what will be the stage to envision what the future holds.

We prayed.  For all that lies ahead, for all that burdens us, for our fears and anxiety, for our joy in the Lord - we prayed.

Wednesdays are good.
Don't miss church on Sunday - we're ready with some great music!!!


The Dude said...

How did I know those pictures were going in your blog? lol. Yep I said lol. But you are absolutely right. Wednesday is the best day of the week. We are all a bunch of folks that love music and if we can get someone closer to christ with that music, so be it. Your dedication is an inspiration for me Beth. Thanks.

Jim Drake said...


Thanks for sharing... didn't know you are building. Been there, done that and have several t-shirts


Laudio said...

Wow! Two to four hours... Our rehearsals (Thursday nights) are an hour and a half. I think that we need to go to two hours, at least.

Funny... As we've progressed as a team in musical proficiency over the years, we actually get fewer songs completed in the same amount of time that we used to. I attribute this to quite a bit more perfectionism (and a longer devotional/prayer time at the start). We used to be done well within the hour and a half. Now we nit-pick our stops, grooves, dynamics, etc. It's more fun. :)