Friday, February 4, 2011

Soon And Very Soon

10:20 PM, home after a long day. I drove to Harrisonburg to pick up my beautiful red-head, who cried at the thought of a lost opportunity to hug her friend Bob Pino. The four-hour round trip went quickly.

We got to the hospital in time for hugs and tears - all our own - and a beautiful time of singing and prayers.

And memories - new ones made, old stories told.

Family circled, the ones who have been part of Bob for long years, who have lived the history that is just the back story of the man that I know. Daughters and sons, grandchildren, in-laws.

And a sweet, unmistakable redemption underneath it all. Brian spoke of restoration and grace, and all agreed.

We sang.

When peace like a river attendeth my way 
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say 
It is well, it is well with my soul

We spoke of the great encouragement, the gift that is the best of Bob.

We spoke of his passion for being on time, every time.

The words filled the room. His breath filled the room.

His eyes never opened, but he was oh-so-with-us.

I am home. When I left, he was still with-us.

And soon - and very soon - he will be with Jesus. It is impossible to imagine, the moment that is so near for him, in which he'll cross that threshold and be.....there. Sarah sang this song tonight, a beautiful melody that still rings in my ears.

As we stood outside of his room tonight, Brian and I agreed: Bob taught us every step of the way. And he teaches us still.

I will be with the One I love / with unveiled face I'll see
There my soul will be satisfied / soon and very soon
Though I have not seen Him / my heart knows Him well
Jesus Christ, the Lord of heaven


Unknown said...

Bob Pino has touched everyone and is a man I will never forget. Always there to motivate me and encourage me. Good men are hard to come by these days but Bob Pino is a good man! A man that leaves lasting imprints on lives

Anonymous said...

Such a huge human being....That Bob Pino ..........Only to live his inevitable and be politely inspirational .Bob and his family ,witnessed and they lived their lives knowing that he was living strength .As we all know ,Bob Pino is with the Lord ,our Father.He has such a fluffy cloud and has no pain .Always ,Bob's influence to our lives will continue to guide all of our best....