Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Making Circles

My study break was launched in a circle.

The circle spun into six full pages of notes in my little blue Moleskine.

Mark Batterson came to town, and I went to sit in a room with him and about 30 other people doing ministry in our immediate area. He was there to give us Five Leadership Lessons. I took notes, and somehow I ended up with six on my list.

Go figure.

Leading up to the Leadership Lesson List, he talked about prayer. I listened to Batterson speak.

And I heard God.

I set up this day.

When is the last time you prayed for me to increase your faith?

The spirit specializes in that space between the eardrum and the auditory cortex.

Sometimes your plans have to fail so that My plans can succeed.

One mission trip can be worth 52 sermons.

If you are praying in the will of God, you have all authority and power behind you.

The anointing is for everyone. 

Without the "THIS IS CRAZY!" moments, you never the "THIS IS AWESOME!"

Consecrate yourself....

Pray. And then say to God, "I trust you."

It was powerful. At one point, a room of staid Baptist church folk were on their knees around our plastic banquet tables. Praying.

You know how you are somewhere and you just know that you were meant to be there?

Yeah. That.

For the record, here's my list of SIX Leadership Lessons:

  1. One God idea is better than 1,000 good ideas.
  2. One picture = 10 million words.
  3. A 1% change = a 99% difference
  4. 5 + 2 = 5,000 remainder 12. God is a God of multiplication.
  5. Change of pace + change of place = change of perspective.
  6. Everything - Jesus = nothing. Nothing + Jesus = everything.
I highly recommend to you Mark Batterson's The Circle Maker. It is one of the most encouraging, powerful books on prayer that I have read. And if you have an opportunity to hear Batterson speak, take it. He'll be at PCC June 24. Don't miss it.


Brandee Shafer said...

I'm going to try to make it to PCC June 24. I like Batterson. I've read one of his books and half-read two others.

Tracy said...

My sister just told me about this book about 4 days on Amazon immediately and arrived today. I'm excited to read it, just from what I've heard.