There are six of us in this house: Beth, Sarah, Shannon, Sydni, Daniel and David. All of us do our best to honor God with our lives. We are believers and Christ-followers.
Beth puts food on the table by working with a local church to lead others to see that they are welcome at the table, that God is relevant, and to help them become fully devoted followers, too.
Yeah, we're surprised, too.
An interesting look from the one who is usually behind the camera.
Shannon, a thinker and writer, is also a passionate soccer player. She loves team sports and is loyal beyond measure.
Sydni has arrived at her teen years with a passion for creativity and politics. When she's not making scrapbooks, she is putting together appropriate outfits.
Daniel is a lithe, athletic boy who reads constantly, loves soccer and is the resident Wii Pro in the household.
David is hysterically funny, clever and devoted to his family.
This blog is designed for friends and family in real life as well as those we know from the blogging community. We hope to hear from you! The 'comments' feature is easy to use; just click on and follow directions! If you aren't a blogger, just sign your name but use the 'annonymous' feature!
~be blessed~
a beautiful idea this blog beth, love the title too... one day I'll try water skiing again....:)
Wonderful is right. These kids ALL look like you to me! What a neat family.
Gosh your kids are beautiful. I'm certain they are as beautiful inside. Like their mother.
I'm going to enjoy this blog.
WOW, that was fun!!! Thanks for sharing all the life and times of a wonderful family. love you, Vick
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